A Raku module for the OWASP ZAP API.
use Zap::Client;
my $client = Zap::Client.new: :port(8081) #`( defaults to 8080 ) ,
:addr<> #`( defaults to ) ,
:format<XML> #`( Response Format - defaults to JSON ) ,
:apikey<apikey123> ; # required
the port which ZAP API is on
the host/addr ip which ZAP API is on
the format that the api should return, defaults to JSON.
can also be changed while using
my $res = $client.request('spider/view/fullResults',{scanId => 1});
# $res is a raw xml Str
# if the format is set to json , the response will be parsed by
# the client which uses JSON::fast
$res = $client.request('spider/view/fullResults',{scanId => 1},:format<JSON>);